
Automated UI tests for web and desktop applications.


Test data

Automated tests should be run always on same dataset. For this our process contains following steps from data point of view:

  • Load the test dataset to applications datastore (eg. database) automatically.
  • During the test check that the application has produce, modify, delete the data correctly directly from datastore.
  • After test run clean the datastore from test data

For creating and loading test datasets we use python scripts. With python we can access several different databases (SQL, NoSQL, etc.), call Rest API's etc. From you we just need to know what data and how you want to use in your automated ui tests.



Running the test

The UI test is an automated mouse click and text writings on application to be tested. The recorded click an text writing actions are real user actions. These recordings should be done against the existing test datasets.

We record and run all the tests on windows computers. Why? Because from UI point of view windows computers are the most simple way to do this. For recording we use tools that can automatically click the application (desktop or web), enter text into input fields and the text can be read from applications ui. The text is captured from the screen instead of getting it for example from web elements using xpath/id or directly from label/dropdown/textfield. In short this mean that it doesn't matter how the application has been build. It is enough that you can click the app, enter text into input fields and read text from the screen directly.

UI tests can be run manually or CI/CD pipeline can trigger these after installing the app by sending an email, slack message or calling http endpoint.




How to start?

Setup a windows computer inside your network where the tests should be run. After that give us a Remote Desktop connection information and required access rights for connecting test databases, applications etc. 

After we have Remote Desktop connection and enough information for connecting the resources that are needed for testing then we start to build the actual UI test environment on this windows.

The environment will be a set of python scripts that anyone can maintain after the setup is up and running.

We charge our work hourly based.

About us

My name is Michael Kankkonen and I live in Finland, Porvoo. I'm the owner of vnetcon oy and I have run my own business mainly as a subcontractor very long in different kind of projects. I started as a developer but about last 10 year I have been doing more or less hands on architect work with different languages, technologies and environments - including cloud. In my work I have noticed that the automated UI tests are very often wanted but not implemented - mainly due to lack of resources and complexity. To overcome this I have figured out this way to do these maybe little bit more easier and reduce this way manual testing.